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Writer's picturecfahim

O.C.E.A.N., Inc. hosts an OceanFirst Community First Day event at the Head Start Child Development Center at Ocean County College

The OceanFirst Bank WaveMakers were out and about volunteering during CommUNITY First Day. CommUNITY First Day is a day of volunteerism celebrated in communities surrounding OceanFirst locations throughout the Northeast from Boston down to Washington D.C.


One of their first stops was at O.C.E.A.N., Inc. where we hosted an event at the Head Start Child Development Center located at Ocean County College in Toms River, NJ. At the start of their visit, O.C.E.A.N., Inc. staff provided a brief description of the agency, needs, and how their help assists the Head Start students and the agency with in-kind. The volunteers read books they selected from the agency stock and participated in a fall themed craft project with the students in each classroom.


Thank you to the OceanFirst Wavemaker team who volunteered at O.C.E.A.N., Inc. including Gabriel Torino, Moyra Neumann, Maria Loeffler, Christina Mauro, Roxanne Roussell and William Powell.   Helping people......Changing lives......


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