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Through Ocean Inc. Sponsorship, JAG students attend the National Student Leadership Academy in D.C.

Updated: Feb 1

Last week, Ocean Inc. sponsored Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) students from Pinelands Regional High School in Ocean County, NJ allowing them to participate in the National Student Leadership Academy in Washington D.C. Dressed for success in their professional blazers, the NJ JAG students participated in leadership workshops, met other students from across the country and visited the sights of our nation's capital.

The conference started on Thursday with a working lunch which helped the students practice a proper handshake, learn how to introduce themselves and carry on a conversation using ‘small talk’ ideas taught through games and activities. The students continued the day with sessions on leadership and advocacy training ending at a networking reception with the corporate partners of JAG National.

On Friday, the students met with representatives from both offices of Congressman Donald Payne and Congressman Bill Pascrell. They discussed how important the JAG program is to students and what a difference it makes to have Community Action organizations like Ocean, Inc. supporting the program.

As indicated in the attached photo, following the meetings, all JAG participants met at the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial for a group photo overlooking the Capital Building. The students toured Arlington National Cemetery, watched the changing of the guard and the laying of the Jobs for America's wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. They continued with a twilight tour of the National Monuments including the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, and the All-Wars Memorial, concluding with the Martin Luther King Memorial.

The last day was filled with leadership activities the students will bring back to their classrooms, then a time for goodbyes to fellow students they met from all over the country including Alaska, Puerto Rico, North Carolina, Iowa, and California among many others. The students received many compliments on their jackets as many people were impressed with their professionalism.

The JAG Program is funded in part by Ocean Inc. from funding through the NJDCA Community Services Block Grant (CSBG).

Community Action……Helping people…..Changing lives…..

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